Executive Director, Errol "E.R." Anderson (pronouns: he/him or they/them) manages the programming, fiscal, and daily operations of Charis Circle, and is always interested in the ways our communities can share skills and resources. A native Atlantan, E.R. came to Charis as one of the founding members of the Young Writer's Group in 1997, and has enjoyed helping build connections between communities of activists, artists, and academics in this city ever since. E.R. is lead facilitator of our Trans and Friends adult support group and co-facilitates the Gender Creative Parenting Collective, and the Trans and Queer Teen Game Group, because he knows that when young people receive a strong foundation in justice and liberation, they go on to change the world in unexpected and beautiful ways. When not hosting events at Charis, E.R. loves reading, writing, talking to his dog, playing in the woods, watching TV, and swimming.
To see what E.R. is reading these days, check out their staff picks page.
Saisha Gupta (she/her) first found Charis within months of moving to Atlanta to get her English degree from Georgia State, which fostered her passion for queer (especially young adult) literature that, of course, kept her coming back to Charis. Several years, another degree, and a brief stint as a middle school English teacher have passed since then, and she is now Charis’s Social Media Coordinator and a Bookseller.
Alongside queer fiction and poetry, Saisha loves vegan cookbooks and non-fiction books about niche topics. She is a film nerd, a documentary fiend, and most importantly, a cat mom to her baby Cowboy. Check out her staff picks page.

Dartricia Rollins is a Queer, Black, Southern organizer, memory worker, and cultural worker. Dartricia is the Assistant Director of Charis Circle, and a bookseller at Charis Books and More. She is a Black Alliance for Peace member and an SJ4A Fellow at the University of Alabama Library and Information Science, Archives Program. Dartricia’s latest project is Georgia Dusk: a southern liberation oral history project connecting the intersections of Black movement and cultural work in Atlanta, Georgia across generations. Check out her staff picks page.